Meet Irisa Dolla, a sweet and eager child in 6th grade whom SEED accepted for tuition support in March 2020 — just when the COVID pandemic locked us all in our homes.
Meet Irisa’s mom, Solange, who had a small business selling cosmetics and jewelry, but the pandemic stopped all that too. After much domestic abuse, Solange found herself alone with 3 kids. With no formal schooling, she had no source of income.
Then Solange’s landlord threatened eviction for not paying rent on time.
When a SEED-supported student becomes more at risk, we sometimes step in to bridge that student’s family to a more stable situation.
SEED is supporting Solange with 3 months’ rent @ $100 per month and $50 to start her own snack business: a small, mobile, and pandemic-resistant operation where university students can fuel up with tea and chapati bread. We hear the students love it!
“Heaven came down when you sent the funds,” said our Rwandan associate Deborah Kagwisagye. “Solange cried with joy. She said, ‘I was just asking God, what should I tell the landlord? And here comes the answer!’”
Solange’s greatest desire is to be able to support her children and for them to do well in school. “Thanks dearly, Mave and SEED,” Deborah added, “for being used to touch so many hurting lives and standing for the poor. They are now smiling.”