What We Do

Volunteer Queen Allen outside a small church in Rwanda.

Volunteer Queen Allen outside a small church in Rwanda.

Small acts change lives.

So much suffering in the world! How to respond?

We at SEED believe, that in a world full of need, one small act of giving, of loving, can change a life. Everyone can do one small thing, as Mother Theresa said, " ...with great love. " Each small act, and then the collection of those acts, change lives.  


SEED has provided early 180 individuals impacted by the genocide with tuition, medical care and other basic needs since our inception in 2008.


SEED has contributed to the successful graduations of 34 young people, including high school, trade schools, and universities.


SEED currently supports 80 students who are enrolled in university, secondary or primary school. 

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Basic Needs

If a person is hungry or hurting, it's nearly impossible to have hope and take steps forward. So that's where SEED comes in. As quickly as possible, we supply food and medical care. Then we assess who needs clothing, including shoes and school uniforms, and we provide them. As needed, we supply funds for transportation to and from work or school. Also, we provide school supplies and personal care items for the individuals in our program if we can. To date, we have disbursed a set amount of funds to our Rwandan coordinator each month, and she stretches those funds far and wide, meeting the needs of the neediest.

Peace, one of SEED's graduates, who now works in a bank

Peace, one of SEED's graduates, who now works in a bank


Education is a cornerstone of SEED's mission. Once individuals in our program are fed and healthy, SEED's board reviews requests for school fees and / or tuition and selects students of all ages based on potential and need. We supply the tuition funds required to bring our students through graduation — including cap and gown! Through our Rwandan coordinator, we also support Biblical studies and Christian fellowship, and we encourage a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Nothing is as transformative.

Venuste, another one of SEED's university graduates, is a licensed chauffeur.

Venuste, another one of SEED's university graduates, is a licensed chauffeur.

Economic Development

We encourage everyone in our program to be creative and think like an entrepreneur. SEED considers the disbursement of small loans to assist those who want to start a business. We have disbursed seed money (pun intended) for selling vegetables, starting a mobile money service, and forming a counseling practice. Our board tracks for success, and we provide further support to those who demonstrate the skills and capacity to manage their businesses. Our goal is to provide the opportunity for each individual to become self-supporting in the long term.