It started with this: seeing two handfuls of photographs — devastating scenes of blood-splattered walls and dead bodies — and a longing to understand forgiveness. Small acts on behalf of genocide survivors — of faith, of love, of giving — that led to hope, health, and a sense of family. This is how the Rwandan genocide and our lives became entwined.
The original Rwanda traveling team, from left: David Gasatura (one of our hosts), Queen Sanabria-Allen, Brian Anderson, Susan Austin, Faye McDowell, Mavis Bauman, Terry Rivera, Jon O'Sheal, and Jen O'Sheal.
In 2008, a small group of eight members of a New Jersey church traveled to Rwanda, and the first seeds of our organization were planted. While there, the group visited many schools and memorial sites, but it was one site in particular that deeply moved, Mavis Bauman, now SEED President, profoundly: a household of genocide survivors in the village of Kinyinya.
In March of that same year, a local mayor asked Deborah Kagwisagye of Generations Impact to shepherd this same household of survivors. When Deborah learned the breadth of their need and the extent of their trauma, she prayed that God would provide a way. Three weeks later, Mavis and the team arrived... (you can read more from Mavis here).
Anita Russell (left) and Connia Nelson (right) with survivor Leonira
Connia Nelson, formerly SEED Secretary, became involved early on as a key adviser and financial supporter of the mission. Nicole Mendolera, formerly SEED Treasurer, brought her financial management skills and regulatory knowledge to the table in 2013 as we began to formalize our organization. Volunteer Anita Russell, facilitated insightful conversations between SEED and Generations Impact members during our 2011 trip to Rwanda. Anita also advised us during the early stages of our incorporation.
Since we began, SEED has helped scores of children and young adults with basic needs and education, all while building a strong spiritual foundation and a sense of their value in the world.